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Section 504 Information

Section 504 is a federal law that prohibits disability discrimination by recipients of federal financial assistance. All public schools and school districts, as well as all public charter schools and magnet schools, that received federal financial assistance from the Department of Education must comply with Section 504.

Section 504 provides a broad spectrum of protections against discrimination on the basis of disability. All qualified elementary and secondary public school students who  meet the definition of an individual with a disability under Section 504 are entitled to receive regular or special education and related aids and services that are designed to meet their individual educational needs as adequately as the needs or students without disabilities are met. Section 504 also requires, among other things, that a student with a disability receive an equal opportunity to participate in athletics and extracurricular activities, and to be free from bullying and harassment based on disability. 



Section 504 Parent Rights in English

First page of the PDF file: Section504ParentRights

Section 504 Parent Rights in Spanish

First page of the PDF file: Section504ParentStudentRightsinSpanish

504 Template

First page of the PDF file: Draft-504---June-2022