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PowerSchool Parent and Student Portal

Use the PowerSchool Parent Portal from any device or browser to check grades, access report cards, see your child's classes, complete forms, and attendance for your GPS students, and more.
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Groton Public Schools District Code: XQZT


Create A Parent Account

You'll need your child's unique Access ID and Password.  If you need this please contact your child's school.

Steps to create a parent account:


Step 1: Go to the Groton Public Schools PowerSchool Parent Portal  The district code is XQZT.

Step 2: Click on Create Account

Step 3: Enter your information and create a username and password for your account. Note the emails you use must be the email that is on file for your child with GPS.  If you are unsure of the email on file, or wish to change it, please call your school. 

Step 4: Scroll down and fill in the information under 'Link to Students Accounts.' This is where you will enter the Access ID and Access Password provided to you by your child's school (or the registrar at the time of registration.)

Step 5: Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click 'Enter' when finished.  Your account should now be set up.


Add a Student to A Parent Account

You can add more than one GPS student to the same parent portal account.  You will need each the unique access ID and password for each student.

Steps to add a student:


Step 1: After signing in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal, click Account Preferences on the left menu

Step 2: Under Account Preferences, click on the Students tab

Step 3: Now click on the blue Add + button and follow the necessary steps

If your students are accessed through different District Codes or websites, you will need to sign out and then back in to view each student, as the District Code is a part of your credentials and assists the app in determining which server to reach out to when verifying your username and password.


PowerSchool Parent Portal Password Reset


You cannot reset the password from the mobile app. If you are using a mobile device use the browser app to access our parent portal at

Steps to reset your password:


Step 1: Click the link Forgot Username or Password located below the password entry field.

Step 2: Enter the username and email address for your account, then click Enter. If you are unsure of the username and/or email address on file, please note that entering the wrong information will result in a failed attempt to reset your password. If you are unsure of either, please email for assistance.

Step 3: You should receive the email from If you aren’t seeing the email, check your Junk or Spam folder

Step 4: Click on the password reset link in the email you receive.

Step 5: Enter the same username from step 2 and create a new password using the guidance provided on the change password screen.


Updating the PowerSchool Parent Portal App to the Current School Year


If your PowerSchool Parent portal app is still showing information from last school year, you may need to update your app.   

Steps to update the app:


Step 1: In the bottom right corner of the app screen, select the 3 dots.

Step 2: Select Account.

Step 3: Select Sign Out on the top right.

Step 4: If your app freezes at the logout screen, close out the app.

Step 5: Update the app to the newest version.

Step 6: Once completed, you should be able to login and see the current school year information. 

  • You may need to enter the district code again to re-register the app with Groton Public Schools, our District code is XQZT

If this did not update the information being displayed to the current school year contact us using our help form or email


View Your Child's Report Card


Follow these steps below to view your student's report card once you login in the PowerSchool Parent Portal.  

Watch Video Instructions Here!

Steps to view a report card:


Step 1: Login to the PowerSchool Parent Portal in a web browser such as Google Chrome or Safari. Report Cards are not in the PowerSchool Mobile App.

Step 2: Click on 'Student Reports' in the left Navigation column.

Step 3: Select the Report Card listed under the Currently Published Report. The Report Card should open in a new tab or window.  

*IEP Progress Reports will be sent by case manager in an encrypted email.


How to Access Password Protected Documents Emailed to You 


Documents sent to Parents and/or Guardians through the portal require a 6-digit PowerSchool Student Number in order to open the document. 

Steps to find your child’s student number.


Step 1: Log in to the Parent Portal through a browser, you will not have the same menu options in the mobile app

Step 2: Select the child’s name in the blue bar at the top of the Portal page

Step 3: In the left navigation menu, select Demographic Info.

Step 4: Student number is listed in the table of student information.


PowerSchool Parent Portal Help

Still Need Help? 

Fill out the form below or email us at and someone will get back to you.


This will be used for a member of our help team to contact you.
Parent / Guardian Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Student's Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
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