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Athletic Boosters

Hello Falcon Sports Fans,

The Fitch Athletic Booster Club (FAB) is the sole organization that raises money to support all sanctioned sports at Fitch High School and the success of our organization is based on member participation.

Anyone is eligible to become a member of FAB. The cost is $10 per individual for the year. All monies raised by the Club goes directly to the athletes. Over the last several years we have provided the following:

Money is raised in a variety of ways: running the concession for sporting events, selling Fitch apparel and hosting Fall and Spring fundraisers, but our most important fundraiser is club membership dues.  It really is a small price to pay for sustaining athletics at Fitch High School.

We meet once a month on the second Thursday in the Media Center at the high school.  We welcome and encourage all to attend and to take an active role in providing support for our teams, so come and see what is in store for this year.

Each sports team needs to acquire a minimum of 18 hours of volunteer time at a concession and attendance of 7 monthly meetings, collectively.  Volunteering for events will help Fitch Athletics grow and prosper.

Please consider becoming a member of this exciting and rewarding club and send in your membership dues today.

We look forward to your support,

Rizwan Shariff

Fitch Athletic Booster Club 

Robert E. Fitch High School
101 Groton Long Point Road
Groton, CT 06340

Booster Club Executive Committee

Ways We Support Our Teams

Awards to 8 athletic scholarships at the end of each school year to our outstanding senior athletes

Half of the cost to purchase State Open championship banners which are displayed in the Main Gymnasium.

New pieces of equipment for the fitness Center.

Provides Dinnerware & Banquets.

Volunteer-Parents Graphic


Booster Club Meeting Dates

Monday, 8/19- 6:00pm

Monday, 9/9- 6:00pm

Tuesday, 10/15- 6:00pm

Tuesday, 11/12- 6:00pm

Monday, 12/9- 6:00pm

Monday, 1/13- 6:00pm

Monday, 2/10- 6:00pm

Monday, 3/10- 6:00pm

Monday, 4/7- 6:00pm

Monday, 5/12- 6:00pm

Monday, 6/9- 6:00pm

  • All Meetings will be held in the Media Center