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Exceptional Family Member Program

The Navy's Exceptional Family member Program (EFMP) is a quality of life program. It can assist EFM families in identifying special needs services and resources by coordinating with medical, mental and behavioral health, educational, and other service providers at the current duty station. Information is also available to assist with a successful PCS move. Enrollment is mandatory for Sailors who have dependents with chronic medical, dental, mental health, developmental and/or educational conditions requiring special care and services.


Military dependents enrolled in DEERS with chronic medical, dental, mental health, developmental and/or educational conditions requiring special care/services who live with the sponsor should enroll in EFMP.

New enrollments are initiated online via the Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS).

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact:

Lori Costantino

Exceptional Family Member Program Liaison

Fleet & Family Support Center


Office Telephone: 860-694-4378

DSN 694-4378

Fax 860-694-4695