

Data Privacy

At Groton Public Schools, we follow State and Federal legal requirements to ensure the safety and security of all students and staff while using any technology resource. We review privacy policies and terms of service regularly to ensure that each resource conforms with legal requirements and local guidelines.

List of Apps, Resources, Software, Subscriptions, and Contracts

Any staff member may request a review of a new resource or permission to use a resource currently owned, subscribed to, or free. All resources, paid and free, must be approved by the Curriculum and Technology Department prior to use. Staff are encouraged to review the approved Groton Digital Resource list routinely as updates take place throughout the year.

Non Technology Based Contracts

We recommend two contracts be signed with consultants, vendors, and contractors. The first contract should be the standard agreement for services. The second contract should be the Data Security and Privacy contract. It is the Data Security and Privacy contract that will be publicly posted and shared on the district website.

  1. Contractor, Consultant, or Vendor is asked to produce their standard Data Privacy Contract, create a custom contract for RPS, or sign the recommended RPS Data Privacy Contract.
  2. School or district Administrator reviews and recommends approval of Data Privacy Contract to Director of Technology and Operations Development.
  3. If approved Special Education related contract will be reviewed and communicated within 3 school days.
  4. If non Special Education related contract will be reviewed and communicated monthly.